Character Artist: Kev Bonaparte

Andrew Chance – he/him
Played by Tanith
Character Virtue: Perceptive
Character Vice: Clumsy
Character moment: When Justice is found in this dark land.
Tall, dark, and barely put together. A wiry unkempt man who lets his actions define him rather than his appearance.
Floyd Ray Lewis – he/him
Played by Quin Borozin
Character Virtue: Quick-witted
Character Vice: Greedy
Character moment: I will find hope by surviving a storm, just like the ones I’ve chased my whole life.
Dark brow, inquisitive eyes, no nonsense. If a storm’s a-comin’, best believe he’ll be facing it head-strong.

Carmen Rivera – she/none
Played by Arcadia Reeves
Character Virtue: Dependable
Character Vice: Distrustful
Character moment: I will find hope when one of Them is incinerated.
A fiery former nun with a solemn demeanor.
Mellie Vasquez – she/her
Played by Alyssa
Character Virtue: Fighter
Character Vice: Reckless
Character moment: I’m finally safe when I feel warm again
Imelda “Mellie” Vasquez just wanted to get back home to her family. She was well on her way doing so until she got caught deserting her platoon. Now that she’s stuck in a damp cell, she has only one thought on her mind. “How the hell am I gonna get back now?”

Character Artist: Emma Brand

Brianna “Bri” Peterson – she/her
Played by Zola Hefta-Gaub
Character Virtue: Honest
Character Vice: Selfish
Character moment: I will find hope when I realize there is strength in community
A reader and daydreamer, 14 year old Bri likes to think of herself as an optimist but often gets lost in the stories she reads. How will she fare when the real world comes crashing down around her and she realizes that life isn’t always like the books she’s read?
Devon Allen – he/him
Played by Kendo
Character Virtue: Principled
Character Vice: Clumsy
Character moment: I will find hope in the flames burning before me
Devon is an anxious and jumpy kid, who just moved here to transfer to a new school in the area. He’s lived most of his life with only a handful of friends and now he’s in a whole new place with no one he knows and no one he trusts.

James Smith – he/him
Played by Percival Walter
Character Virtue:
Character Vice:
Character moment: I will find hope when I make a new friend
James Smith is a nerdy looking kid with a love of boy-detective novels, and he is NOT afraid of the dark.
Kayelin Stuart-Mackenzie – she/her
Played by Cat McDonald
Character Virtue: Intelligent
Character Vice: Impatient
Character moment: I will find hope when I put my athletics to good use
The star forward of her soccer team, and an A student, Kayelin is confident and quick to act. Her home life taught her not to believe in anyone else, but her belief in herself is ironclad.

Lizzie – she/her
Played by Bee Alexander
Character Virtue: Observant
Character Vice: Sensitive
Character moment: I will find hope when someone acknowledges who I am without judgement
Lizzie’s name is short for Elizabeth, though she would rather it be short for Lizard. She’s a punk, more in the derogatory sense than in the music subculture sense, but she isn’t quite as prickly as she would like to be.
Character Artist: Issy Quigley

Allison Jenkins – she/her
Played by Esther Wallace
Character Virtue: Strong
Character Vice: Temperamental
Character moment: I will find hope when I find a redwood tree that hasn’t burned
On first glance, Allison seems like your typical butch lesbian ex-forest ranger: she wears lots of flannel and has a knack for finding good hiking trails. Spend a little longer with her, and you’ll encounter her short temper and sinister secrets that lurk below the surface…
Carlotta Cruz – she/her
Played by Karina Revilla
Character Virtue: Humorous
Character Vice: Liar
Character moment: I will find hope when I see my grandfather again
Carlotta is a college student and kind of a rich girl, and was out in the woods glamping with friends. She’s still here because her grandfather runs a fire watchtower in this forest, and she knows they’re not far from it…

Jeremy – he/they
Played by Enzo Palermo-Kent
Character Virtue: Compassionate even when inconvenienced
Character Vice: Immature
Character moment: I will find hope when Evan gets back
Jeremy is a 19y.o. LARP camp counselor in over their head. His attitude won’t help the situation, but they’re trying to make it back home.
Naomi Finnegan – she/her
Played by Lucy Cavener
Character Virtue: Driven
Character Vice: Regretful to a fault
Character moment: I will find hope when I hear singing again
Naomi, 25, is one of many only-kind-of-successful musicians scraping a living together in LA. Tired of the traffic, unfulfilling day jobs, and bickering with her boyfriend, she escapes to the woods to “find herself,” or at least find a little relief from expectation. When it’s just her and the forest, maybe she can regain some of the freedom she felt backpacking through these woods as a teenager. In the darkness of the oncoming fire, though, freedom is the last thing on her mind.

Sally “Ruby” Jackson – she/her
Played by Jules Pincus
Character Virtue: Optimistic
Character Vice: Lonely
Character moment: I will find hope when I feel comforted and seen.
Ruby is an eccentric, optimistic girly girl who’s just a liiiitle bit repressed. She read up on wilderness survival before this all started, so she’s good to keep around, even if she’s better at explaining how to tie knots rather than doing it. You get the sense that there’s always something she wants to say. But never does. She writes a lot.